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resources for everyone

Whether you want to take action in your home or your community, at your job or in your company, or within your local jurisdiction, we're making it easier to take significant climate actions. Here are the tools, templates, and inspiration to help you take action. Start with your community - business and government resources are coming soon.

Resources for community-led action

Get involved, get connected, and get started - wherever you are: explore toolkits and resources for schools and for your home, find your climate action team, or get started on your own climate action plan.

Group Seflie

Find community action partners

Join a group in your community - where you gather for business or with friends, to worship, or play.It's always more fun to take action with others.

School Kids

Climate tools for your school

Check out climate action and educational resources for students, parents, teachers, administrators, school boards, and more!

Father and daughter at computer

Create your climate action plan

Discover what your carbon footprint is, then make a step-by-step plan to reduce your emissions. Your home will be energy-wise and healthier, too.

Resources by sector

Taking small steps is a great way to start. 


Energy & Buildings

Find out how you can save energy and save money, too.



Explore solutions for how you get around.

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Food & food waste

Because nothing tastes better than climate action.

Business Meeting

Resources for Business

Whether you're a business owner, a manager, or an employee, every job is a climate job, and the triple bottom-line is essential.

Politician Shaking Hands

Resources for Government

Explore resources for government agencies and elected officials, as well as tools for citizens to inspire change.

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