The Backstory:
Why we started Act Now Bay Area
“Is it possible to reverse global warming?”
Environmentalists Paul Hawken and Amanda Joy Ravenhill asked that question in 2014.
The world lacked a comprehensive, convincing path forward to address climate disruption. They gathered a team of over 200 scholars, scientists, policy-makers, business leaders, and activists worldwide to assess, map, and model the most substantive solutions. The results were published in 2017, and the book changed how we approach our future, and the necessary work to hold global warming to a survivable level.

The book of solutions:​ The 80 solutions documented in the book already exist and we can implement them now. They are ranked according to their potential to reduce or remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and the cost effectiveness of solutions. It's clear that there is no one silver bullet, and we need to use all the tools.
Formerly known as Drawdown* Bay Area, Act Now Bay Area was inspired by the catalogue of solutions and the science and data developed by the Project Drawdown team led by Paul Hawken. ​
In conjunction with Governor Brown's Global Climate Action Summit and encouraged by the team at Project Drawdown, the co-founders of Drawdown Bay Area held a forum in October, 2018 for public agencies, business associations, universities, and non-profit organizations. Over fifty climate leaders discussed what was needed to form a regional collaboration that could connect and leverage the work that was being done, share best practices, and start implementing solutions quickly. ​
The message was clear:
There is a lot of great work being done, but most people don't know much about what's being done. We need to "connect the dots", build a network, share best practices and tools, and engage everyone across sectors and communities.
ACT NOW Bay Area is doing just that:
building the network of community members and organizations, businesses large and small, and local and regional government. We're making sure that everyone can find the information they can use, the people they can join, and the actions they can take - aided by the best science, innovations, and funding tools, to collaboratively meet the Regional 2030 Climate Challenge of reducing our emissions 80% by 2030.
By creating a collaborative coalition we can successfully draw down regional greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon in our landscapes, and restore our communities: creating a healthier, more equitable, and more resilient Bay Area now and for future generations. As we go forward, we will vet ideas with key advisors across sectors and continue to iterate based on feedback. Let us know what you want to see, what's missing and what we should add. Your input is what makes this a truly collaborative effort.
While there are numerous global solutions, there are specific solutions that will have the most impact and can be implemented here in the Bay Area, now and throughout this decade, as we race to reduce the causes of climate change before it is too late: an 80% reduction in our emissions by 2030, and drawing down the gases already in the atmosphere that threaten life on our planet.

* "Drawdown" is the point in time when the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reach their peak and begin to decline, year over year.