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Marin County

Marin at a glance

82% of the people in Marin believe that climate change is happening

and 74% of Marinites think community members can do more.*

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What can YOU do?

We're glad you asked!

Marin can make a world of difference.

And we can all do something!

How much has your community reduced GhG emissions? Track your town's progress here.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

by Sector, 2019

data provided by the

Marin Climate & Energy Partnership

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West Marin County’s farm and ranch land have been subjected to drier summers and wild winters marked with occasional floods, the result of climate change. The Marin Carbon Project is using compost, fertilizer and planting to increase the amount of carbon in the soil. The idea is that more carbon in the ground pulls more greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere and at the same time helps the soil retain water longer. As of 2021, The project has helped set up 200 carbon sequestration projects at 60 different Marin County farms.

What inspires you? Discover your solutions here:

Community Actions

It's always easier - and more fun - to take actions with others


Ride & Drive Clean/Cool the Earth

transportation, education

Ride and Drive Clean is a collaboration of nonprofit organizations, agencies, cities, schools, and businesses with a goal of greatly reducing carbon emissions by advancing the adoption of electric vehicles.


Sustainable San Rafael

local, advocacy, education

Sustainable San Rafael is an all-volunteer group of folks dedicated to advocacy and education to help bring about a healthy and aware society. We are organized around the idea that we can-and must-do more to fight climate change and encourage sustainable living.


Marin Conservation League

local, advocacy

Serving as both watchdog and advocate, MCL’s hard-working and vigilant committees monitor a broad range of planning and land use decisions county-wide to ensure Marin’s ecological values are maintained and restored.


Environmental Forum of Marin

local, advocacy, education

EFM promotes a Sustainable World through Environmental Education. We are focused on providing Marin residents #education4action: teaching about complex environmental issues and training them in the skills to take effective action.


Climate Reality EV Squad

advocacy, transportation

Purpose is to identify and take actions to accelerate the transition to Electric Vehicles powered by renewable energy in Marin and Sonoma counties.


Resilient Neighborhoods

local, education, lifestyle

We offer a free 5-session climate action workshop to Marin residents to help them reduce their carbon emissions and increase community resiliency.


Marin Carbon Project

local, food & food waste, education

MCP seeks to enhance carbon sequestration. Our vision is for landowners/managers to serve as stewards of soil health and to undertake carbon farming that can improve on-farm productivity and viability, enhance ecosystem functions, and stop and reverse climate change.


Citizens' Climate Lobby - Marin

local, advocacy

CCL exists to create the political will for climate solutions by enabling individual breakthroughs in the exercise of personal and political power.


Climate Reality Building Electrification Squad

advocacy, energy & buildings

Purpose is to identify and take actions to get local jurisdictions to adopt policies that accelerate electrification and decarbonization of homes and other buildings in Marin and Sonoma counties.


Marin Interfaith Climate Action Network

local, advocacy, lifestyle

MICA is confronting the growing climate crisis by: 1) Developing environmental education and adopting mitigating measures within our own religious communities. 2) Advocating for climate legislation. 3) Collaborating in with other environmental organizations.


Green Change

transportation, energy & buildings, food & food waste

Green Change invites you to go green and live sustainably. We will help you take action to fight climate change in your own life and community.


Extra Food

local, food & food waste

By rescuing excess fresh food from businesses, securing freshly-made meals, and immediately delivering the food to nonprofits serving Marin’s most vulnerable children, seniors, and families, we address the critical issues of hunger, wasted food & climate change.

Actions You Can Take Now

Click on any of these images to take the first step, and then the next 





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What can you do? 

See what's happening in your community:

Find businesses, non-profit organizations, and city & county climate action departments and agencies, all doing something to be part of the solution -

then reach out and connect!

take the survey!



Strategic Businesses

Find businesses near you that are Certified Green


Local businesses that are doing the right thing would certainly appreciate your support. Find one near you!


Are you interested in becoming a Green Business? 

The Marin Green Business Program is a voluntary partnership among business leaders, government agencies and non-profit organizations. We recognize and promote businesses that demonstrate continuous compliance with applicable environmental regulations, conserve energy, water, and other materials, implement sound environmental practices that prevent pollution and waste generation, and share environmentally responsible practices with other businesses in our community.


Become a Certified Green Business! You're in good company: join the program that is greening California, one business at a time, and be part of the statewide California Green Business Network, leading the nation in creating a vibrant green economy that makes communities healthier and more livable while conserving resources. 

Engaged Government

Local governments can make all the difference - learn what yours is doing


The County of Marin Sustainability Team works to support healthy, safe and sustainable communities while preserving Marin’s unique environmental heritage. The team has compiled resources for residents and businesses, and developed programs to promote renewable energy, address climate change, encourage green building, recognize green businesses, and implement energy efficiency projects in County schools, special districts, and cities and towns. 

Explore countywide sustainability resources, or find your local government below.




MCE Clean Energy




Mill Valley


Zero Waste Marin


Corte Madera




Marin Transit






Marin Municipal Water District




San Anselmo

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