77% of the people in Napa believe that climate change is happening and 70% of Napans think community members can do more.*

What can YOU do?
We're glad you asked!
Napa can make a world of difference
because we can all do something!
What inspires you? Discover your solutions here:
Napa at a glance
* see Napa County Climate Opinion Fact Sheet from
the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Actions You Can Take Now
Click on any of these images to take the first step, and then the next
What can you do? See what's happening in your community:
Find businesses, non-profit organizations, and city & county climate action departments and agencies, all doing something to be part of the solution - then reach out and connect!
Community Actions
It's always easier - and more fun - to take action with others
Environmental Education Coalition, Napa County
local, advocacy
EECNC connects members of our community with the local environment. Through a network of local organizations, the coalition provides resources and support to promote sustainable living and to cultivate an appreciation of the natural world.
Strategic Businesses
Find businesses near you that are Certified Green
Local businesses that are doing the right thing would certainly appreciate your support. Find one near you!
Are you interested in becoming a Green Business?
The Napa County Green Business Program certifies small and medium-sized businesses that operate in an environmentally-responsible manner. By offering technical assistance, the County helps local businesses save money by helping them to conserve energy and water, minimize waste, prevent pollution, and shrink their carbon footprint.
The program also acts as the third-party certifier for the Green Winery Program.
Engaged Governments
Local governments can make all the difference - learn what yours is doing
Napa County's Climate Action Committee has members from the county and its five cities and towns. The Committee is working to create a countywide Climate Action Plan. This regional approach would include quantifiable and measurable actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles, buildings, equipment, and other sources, and would enable the cities and the county to create a unified plan rather than taking a piecemeal approach to climate actions and solutions.
Explore county-wide conservation resources and learn what your local government is working on: